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What users have told us

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About the
"Fall Asleep in the Garden of Gods"



Klithe O 'Reece- Forum on
Sent the 10-02-2005 at 11:40:00
tried it out, replaced my earplugs by headphones:
by using it, I’ve been able to stop using Stilnox
Sent the 14-02-2005 at 09:17:46
just to let you know that I use the CD instead of Stilnox:
It’s hypno-relaxation and it can only do you good

Lutgarde D., Brussels - Belgium:
Foe the first 2 days, I was somewhat nervous because I couldn’t find the right position, I was out of synchronization for the exercises, and I wanted to listen to absolutely everything. It got on my nerves! No effect. On the 3rd and 4th days, I was more relaxed when listening: I knew how things were supposed to happen. I managed to avoid wanting to listen to everything. On the 5th and 6th days, as soon as the contraction-relaxation exercises were finished, I tried to think of something else rather than listening. I slept badly and kept waking up. The CD had no effect. It annoyed me more and more. I stopped using it for 2 days because I had the feeling that I was getting annoyed in advance, just thinking about the CD. I was bothered and slept badly. On the 15th day I decided to try the CD again. I listened once more, with only half an ear. I got to sleep quickly and slept well (...). On the 16th and 17th days I woke up at night and had some difficulty getting back to sleep. If I listened to the CD, I got back to sleep more easily (afterwards). And now, the CD helps me to get to sleep more quickly than before. I sleep better, and I don’t use any products to help me sleep. When something upsets me, it gets a bit more difficult again, but, in any case, I am sleeping better.

Corinne B., Brussels – Belgium:
I have been using your CD for a month, and for the last two weeks I’ve been using the CD for getting to sleep with the goggles. I am very impressed by the effectiveness of these products, which were recommended to me by my doctor. For the last 4 days, I am no longer frightened of going to bed: I am confident, I know that if I can’t get to sleep fairly quickly, or if I wake up around 2 or 3 am, I will be able to get back to sleep. I feel effects which go very well with the things I do with my analyst. I have noticed considerable changes, particularly with respect to my hormones. I am very pleased to have found out about your laboratory. I think that regular use of these products is going to help me to finish my psychiatric treatment, and, above all, to live comfortably and sleep well.

Chantal L., France:
I have already used the 2 CDs and they made me feel great! I fell asleep several times for short periods, and I felt as I was in a trance!

About the
"Letting Go"



Maya, Brussels - Belgium:
I found out about the "Letting go" CD at a time in my life when I was so tense and stressed up that I felt physical pain every day. The first time I listened to the CD, I fell asleep before the end of the recording! What surprised me the most is that, before, I had never managed to doze off with any "background noise"! It took me three attempts to hear the CD through to the end (I am curious, and even though I read in the manual that you have to let yourself hear without listening). Since then, I use it regularly, after a hard day’s work, or in the middle of the night... And it’s getting better all the time!

Patricia D., Ransart - Belgium:
I have just bought a CD from your collection for the first time, and, following your advice, I chose "Letting go". I tried it out for the first time today, and I thought it was really marvellous. In fact, I’m just getting over a depression with panic attacks. I’ve gone back to work, but I easily become tired, and also stressed (above all by my boss) during the day. In any case, I’m very satisfied with the CD, I found my first try with it very satisfactory, and I did manage to "let go" from time to time and I got to sleep. Congratulations, I think it’s really marvellous.
Thanks again for everything and many congratulations.

About the
"Lose Weight"



Sylvie L, Brussels - Belgium:
This CD helped me a lot at the beginning of my diet. Of course, the special protein-enriched sachets have helped me to lose weight, but the CD has helped me to keep to the diet! I have an enormous appetite. I suffer from hyperphagia. Since I’ve started listening to this CD every evening, well, I no longer feel the need to stuff myself full of food. I suppose that my subconscious has finally got motivated enough for me to stick to my diet. I no longer feel the need to eat chocolate (before, I was eating a whole bar every day) nor other sweets (+/- 1kg per week). At the beginning, this CD was absolutely necessary, and I replaced my cravings for food by listening to the CD. As a bonus, it helped to relax before going to bed. After a month and a half, I listen to it from time to time, so as not to lose the good that it does me. It would be good if there were a sequel to help me carry on along these lines.

Marie-Paule G., Brussels - Belgium:
I had some difficulties with relaxing and getting into the programme. But I persevered, I kept listening to it and after a few days I associated some memories and worked a bit more on my current situation. So this CD did help me.

X, Belgium:
The first day was marvellous: I fell asleep after 3 minutes and had the sensation that I was floating through the air...

About the
"Stress Management"



JP - Forum on
... I have reduced my dose very gradually and I shouldn’t be experiencing any withdrawal symptoms, and I probably am not, but my head must have decided otherwise. At midday today I felt really stressed up at work and feelings of oppression got back at me. There’s one thing that helps, I listen to a relaxation CD called an audiotherapy tool to cope with stress, but it’s not always easy. There are several CDs in the series, and that could be a help.

One of Dr. Lisoir’s patients, Brussels - Belgium:
Much more soothing than the first CD. I pressed the "repeat" and that was it for all night! And I had a good day afterwards. Tonight, I’ll put the CD on again, and so I won’t have the time to think negative thoughts. My thanks go to Dr. Lisoir for having enables me to find out about audiotherapy tools and appreciate their usefulness. So I’m now familiarized with this technique, which has helped me to be easier to get along with!

Marie-Paule G., Brussels - Belgium:
I got to listen to this CD when I was suffering from a severe affective problem and physical oppression. When I got back to being able to breathe normally again, I was able to relax and become more receptive. The bringing forward of positive images seems to me to be well done and quite effective.
Thank you!

Barbara B., Brussels - Belgium:
The first time that I listened to this CD, I became so relaxed that I had the impression that I was no longer in my body... The breathing exercises are very soothing and it’s a method which works very well, in all circumstances. The most significant idea for me was certainly that of the wide variety of people who exist. I have understood that I no longer need to compare myself with the people who are around me. For years, people have tried to make me be just like everyone else and to oblige me to behave in ways that just didn’t suit me (even if there intentions were helpful). Putting it another way, I now behave more instinctively, which helps me to manage my strength. I am looking forward to using the CD which helps you to get to sleep... Thank you.

Patricia M., Brussels – Belgium:
I’ve got the CD. I have already listened to it. It’s very good. I will certainly order another one from you in the next few months. Thanks for everything.

About the
"Be Happy Again"



Jean-Louis S., Montbard - France:
Thank you for your "Enjoy yourself " CD: remarkable poetry in the text, subliminal tracks just at the necessary level, only just audible, which is necessary if they are to have an impact solely on the subconscious... Really remarkable.
I would very much like to see your work used by the powers-that-be as part of the treatment for weaning addicts off drugs, rather than the drug substitutes which have secondary effects. This programme also would seem to me to be vitally important for helping the people with manic depressive illness and suicidal tendencies, who are, sadly, becoming more and more numerous, to start enjoying life again. These are not just pious hopes, as we say here in France, I really hope that all this will happen.

Patricia de M., Brussels - Belgium:
Since I started doing these sessions of Meta-Relaxation, I feel much better and I look at life differently... I have noticed that when I don’t do them, my day isn’t as good... It really is doing me a lot of good, and I get the impression that when I do it, everything works out well, I only have to ask for something and I get a positive answer, which is normal because the life we live is not just the reflection of what we think... so, give it a try and you’ll see your life really changed... for the better, of course...

Walter M., Brussels - Belgium:
After I had had some heart problems, my cardiologist recommended your therapeutic CD on heart relaxation. I have become an enthusiastic supporter of your system, which has proved to be quite effective. You can, of course, put my comments on your web site. The general public and the medical profession are not aware of the existence of your CDs and the site (or only very slightly aware) and, if you talk about them, there is a rather sceptical reaction (and that’s an understatement). I’m now 40 years old. When I was 38, I was operated on for an aneurism of the aortic arc hand I also "profited" from the rebuilding of the aortic valve (plastic surgery on the valve) because of a genetic problem. As I had never been ill, and I had never thought that anything like that could happen to me, the post-operational shock was pretty awful. You CD has been a great help to me. By using it, I have had the impression of having to enlarge the scope of my "seeking" to get to feel better about my life and perhaps change my perception of life. For this reason, I am planning to use several of your CDs. I’ll let you know how things work out.

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